BMC in Houses hold appliances
Irons, Oven Handles, toasters, sanitary ware, heaters/dryers

There are many applications for BMC all around us in our homes. For example both BMC and SMC are widely used to mould attractive kitchen sinks and worktops, as well as sanitary ware such as washbasins, shower trays and bathtubs.

Household appliances are also a growing market of BMC, where competing materials have their limitations. Metals, for example, are temperature resistant but have no insulating properties, which restrict and often preclude their use. Thermoplastics are easily transformable, but their thermal behavior is limited. Phenolic compounds, withstand high temperatures, but their color is limited to black and brown.

Advantages to Household Appliances

Injection moulding: The process can be fully automated for high volume reduction and post moulding operations. For small parts, cycle times well below 60 seconds are possible.
Thermal resistant: the HDT (heat distortion temperature) of BMC is higher than 2000 C. the material will thus not deform under the levels of heat generally encountered in household electrical appliances.
Resistances to chemical agents: BMC is resistant to domestic cleaning agent, solvents, steam and water.
Mass coloring: BMC parts can be mass pigmented to any colour to complement other appliances and accessories.
Food contact requirements: Grades are available that comply with food hygiene requirements. Although the parts are not directly in touch with food, this is nevertheless a key criterion, for example in toasters.
Electrical insulation: This is an intrinsic characteristic of the material. BMC is natural insulator, and easily meets safety requirements.
Fire resistance: Parts have to meet relevant UL and ISO fire safety standards, depending on the final application.
Glossy and smooth surface finish: BMC recipes with low or zero shrinkage additives give excellent surface qualities and aesthetic results.


There are many types of irons on the market, in various designs and colours. Most have a BMC shield component that protects the water tank from the iron heating plate. The BMC part has to resist heat and water and must match the iron shell in terms of gloss and colour.

Oven Handles
As the parts are close to the heat source, heat resistance and aesthetics are both important. Thanks to a good moulding ability, BMC can produce attractive shapes and - unlike phenolic - BMC is fully pigmentable

Waffle irons/ sandwich makers
The exterior shell is made of BMC skin. On other models it is the handles that are BMC moulded. The close proximity of the heating elements means that good heat resistance is essential.

Towel dry/ heaters
This part consists of a metal core and a BMC skin. The heating element is inserted in the mould and the BMC is injected, having direct contact with the heating plate. It serves as a protective coating as well as improving the overall aesthetics.

Thanks to recent advantages in process ability and new product formulations, BMC is making major inroads into the household appliance sector. Surface profile, dimensional accuracy, mechanical strength, heat resistance and electrical insulation are just some of the unique blend of properties that only BMC can deliver.